Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day longer

Well, it's been for-flipping-ever since the last time I've actually written in my blog.  But, I want to be better about it and start writing more frequently because it really is relaxing. If the right ideas come and all.  As it is Valentine's Day today, I figured it would be appropriate to write about Valentine's Day.
If you have been around me this time of year, you would probably be familiar with my opinion of Valentine's Day.  I loved it as a kid, like pretty much every other kid because of the cool Valentine's with candy and stuff.  So many different varieties of Valentines, from Harry Potter, to homemade, to Star Wars, to Barbie.  Plus, getting candy was always a plus.
After the elementary years stopped, I kinda started to dislike it, and pretty much for the same reasons as everyone else.  It seemed to revolve so much around romance and couples and stuff like that.  I will admit, I had a rather negative attitude towards this holiday until this year.  Even until a week ago, I still was grumbling about how much I really don't like it.
This year, instead of waking up to, "Oh great it's Valentine's Day, pull out my hair" I kind of woke up to, "Hey, maybe this day isn't so bad if I think about the real meaning of it."  I decided to look at it in a different light.  I thought, "What harm is in a day dedicated to remind us of love we have for others, and love others have for us?"  I don't know!  I've changed my mind.  There needs to be a little more love in this world as it is.  So.  From now on, in my books, Valentine's Day is no longer something I will hate.