Sunday, March 6, 2016

Best day of the week!

Adult life totally helps me appreciate and understand better why God made respecting the Sabbath Day (Sunday) one of the first commandments.  When I was growing up and before I understood it better, Sabbath Day meant putting on a dress, going to church for 3 hours, no trampoline, tasty family dinner, and no worldly movies.  With time, I've come to appreciate it and the concept of 'God created Sabbath for man, not man for the Sabbath.'
3 hours seems like a long time to be sitting still, and I'll admit, it can be, but it's so worth it!  Let me tell you why.
For starters, I feel like going and listening to the words of my fellow peers and leaders helps me find answers to my prayers.  I know people say that all the time, but it's true!  It's an experience we can't really get in any other way unless we go to church.  It's kind of like a big group of people running a race, except everyone is on the same team.  We can encourage and lift one another.  The words and lessons taught, I've found, remind me that I can do this thing called life, and help those around me too.
I go because I feel God's love for me.  Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, things can be made right again.  We can receive the strength we need.  Everyone is in need of it.  It's the chance to repent and make right the things we've done wrong, and give strength to do that.  This is truly a miracle in itself because who wants to live the rest of their life feeling like poo?  Nobody.  It can help us where we fall short and remind the need we have to rely on Him.
I also feel God's love through people I talk to at church.  Obviously, church is more than just social interaction, but I think that social interaction is important too.  We can be strengthened by one another, remember those people who care about us and we care about them.  Life is hard enough on our own, so we might as well enjoy it with the folks around us and try and help one another!

In the end of the Book of Mormon, the final prophet, Moroni writes his final words, and among these, he talks about the importance of going to the church each week.

"And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the church of Christ; and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and finisher of their faith.
And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one to another concerning the welfare of their souls.
And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus."
-Moroni 6:4-6

A little side experience. I had a good personal experience at church today - lots of good testimonies, the stop bullying mormon message by Uchtdorf where he says to knock it off, but one thing at the end was special to me.  The closing song in Relief Society that we sang was "Be Still My Soul."  I love that song so much, and I remembered the last time I sang it was at my neighbor, Sherri Schloss's funeral.  She was truly an inspiration to everyone she met, and singing that song alone, sort of touched my heart, reminding me of her positive and joyful example.  She was truly a fighter and hero.  Remembering the courage of others also helps me regain mine, and to keep on trying, even if we don't always succeed at first.  The little moments and tender mercies in life remind me that God truly does exist, and is aware of us and the trials we face, whether they be small or big!

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