Sunday, June 12, 2016

Dat Foodie Thang

In the past 2-3 years, I've done a few experiments of eliminating refined sugar from my diet.  Every time I do this, I feel amazing after I get past the cravings portion, but it hasn't become my solid way of life.  In my teen years, I never really had a severe eating disorder or anything, but I was always concerned that I wasn't as curvy as other girls or I wasn't as fit.  I did sports and tried to keep in shape, but I'll be straight up when I admit that I love to eat.  Two years ago, I had a health condition that forced me to eliminate all sugars from my diet.  It was really challenging for me, and I probably wouldn't have been as motivated to do it if it weren't for the fact that it was for my health situation.  I remember that by eliminating those sugars, I eventually didn't feel as tired or grumpy.  I felt I had greater control when it came to my diet and mood.  This was something I had always wanted in my teen years.  I'd see other girls who seemed like they could control themselves so well.  This time period only lasted about two months.  The first cookie I ate after my health was better didn't really taste as good as I remembered.  I remember going to bed that night with my heart beating extremely fast.  My guess was that my body wasn't used to processing sugars like it used to or something.  I couldn't sleep as well.  To this day, I definitely have cut back on the amount of refined sugars in my diet, but my goal is to make some lifestyle changes that will make me feel better.
Eating a certain way, for me, is so helpful, but why is it so difficult?  The cost is one thing.  The time and effort needed to put into it is another.  I forget about all the great health effects and the way I feel.  That's why it's so important to remember the reasoning behind goals - for me, I forget and when I forget, I am good for making excuses. I think in my head that one little thing won't hurt me, and in reality, maybe one cookie or one piece of pie won't hurt my body that much, but the fact that I am giving into something is what I find more alarming.  I've learned a bit about different alternatives for recipes that don't contain harmful ingredients.  I've even tested some of them out and have been impressed with the results!
So, I've made a new goal.  I want to make some diet changes.  Nothing unhealthy or completely insane, just eliminate the things that are getting in the way of me feeling good.  I know I'll probably mess up a few days and it might stink for the first bit, but I want to see if blogging my journey will help it be better.  In the end, I know I'll feel better!  I'll post a Day 1 picture below.

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