Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Beautiful Wall of Andrea Burton-isms

From left to right: Carrie, Lexi, Katherine, Me, Ashlee, Andrea

This semester, I had roommates who were awesome.  We like to laugh and have a good time.  To describe them further:  Katherine is my roommate who also served in Chile (not in my mission).  She's engaged to be married this April.  Then there's Carrie.  She is basically hilarious.  I say this because I will literally be getting ready in one room, or eating breakfast and all of the sudden I hear an outburst of giggling.  I don't really know how to describe it.  Its just funny.  She's an English major and a cowgirl.  Yes, there is a John Wayne calendar in our room (courtesy of Carrie).  Then there is Ashlee.  She is the food genius because she knows how to cook way good.  I would also never want to be in a debate with her.  I mean, ever.  Then, there's Lexi who got married halfway through the semester, and Kaitlin who lives here the other half of the semester.  And finally, (drum roll)......  Boom.  Andrea Burton.  She is awesome and one of the funniest people I've ever met.  She's a convert of 3 years in the church.  This semester, we've laughed at so many funny things she's said, and to sum it up, it is of common opinon she should write a book or a memoir.  Here are just a few of the quotes from her in honor of her great hilariousness:
(Side note: They may be 'you have to be there moments.' Sorry...) 


The Wall of Andrea:
-"Do you have a brother named Ham?" (The first day our home teachers came over to visit us, one introduced himself as 'Shem.'  This is the response of Andrea.)
-"Emily-Freaking-Hanks" (I'm not really sure how this came to be, but she just randomly started calling me it one day, and now it's kinda just the only way she says my name.)
-"Do you need any sage?" (Our home teachers came over to give a blessing on the house.  She asked them this question.  Lol.)
-"All two of you?" (Typically there are 4 boys in an FHE group here.  Only two came over to introduce themselves.  Therefore, yes...all two of them.)
-"So I dubbed him 'Nazi Joe'" (Referring to an old FHE brother)
-"This one time, at Awana-Camp..." (Andrea told us her many stories of a Awana camp as a child.  Pretty much every story she tells us starts with, "this one time, at...")
-"Oh. You're like the posterboy for Mormonism?" 
-"Release your inner-fish!" 
-"Spawn of Satan!" 
-"Sometimes I ask, wait, why did I join this church again?  Oh yeah, cuz it's TRUE!" (She was wondering if  skirt was necessary to wear because she was already comfortable in her pants.)
-"Can we help it if the food here is better than the men?"
-"I believe that Satanas had a hand in the creation of math 108." (Math vs. Andrea)
-"I hate to burst your bubble, but my dad grows bigger cabbages than that." (When we went to the grocery store, and Ashlee bought cabbages to make St. Patricks Day food)
-"Well if it isn't Mr. Big Deal himself." (Background story:  Our FHE brother said people should talk to him because he is a big deal in testimony meeting on fast sunday.  This occurred at the family home evening following that meeting). 
-"This cake is better than making out." (One way of saying that the cake was delicious).
-"He doesn't like Star Wars.  It's sacrelige." (in a southern accent.)
-"We could dress up as witches and go visit Jared." (brainstorming april fools day pranks)

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